
Area in between any two plots can be filled with a color (often semi-transparent). To use this feature there is a @fill decorator and a Fill class.

In the first place the @fill decorator declares which two plots should be used for filling. Optionally it may have a color argument, which should be used if a single-colored fill is desired.

Single-colored fill

The simplest possible usecase fills the space between two plot lines:

# indie:lang_version = 4
from indie import indicator, color, plot, fill, Fill

@indicator('Example 1', overlay_main_pane=True)
@fill('p1', 'p2', color=color.BLUE(0.2))
def Main(self):
    a = self.high
    b = self.low
    return a[0], b[0], Fill()

Please note, that both @fill decorator and Fill object always must be used together. Even in simple cases of a single-colored fills where Fill object is constructed with all default values (i.e. with no arguments Fill()).

Multicolored fill

If a multicolored fill is needed, then the color value should be calculated in the Main function code and passed as argument to a Fill object returned by the Main function.

# indie:lang_version = 4
from indie import indicator, color, plot, fill, Fill

@indicator('Example 2', overlay_main_pane=True)
@fill('p1', 'p2')
def Main(self):
    c = color.GREEN(0.5) if self.close[0] >[0] else color.RED(0.5)
    return self.high[0], self.low[0], Fill(color=c)  # NOTE: This color will override color in @fill decorator if any

Multicolored fill with an offset

Fill() has an optional parameter offset: int. It may be used to shift the coloring to the left (if offset is negative) or to the right (if offset is positive):

# indie:lang_version = 4
from indie import indicator, color, plot, fill, Fill, param

@indicator('Example 3', overlay_main_pane=True)
@fill('p1', 'p2')'fill_offset', default=2)
def Main(self, fill_offset):
    c = color.GREEN(0.5) if self.close[0] >[0] else color.RED(0.5)
    return self.high[0], self.low[0], Fill(color=c, offset=fill_offset)

Please note, that a non-zero fill offset has effect only to multi-colored fills and has none to single-colored ones.


@level() decorator creates a level (horizontal line).

  value: float,
  title: indie.Optional[str] = None,
  line_color: indie.Color = indie.color.GRAY(0.5),
  line_style: int = indie.line_style.DASHED,
  line_width: int = 1
) -> NoneType


  • value — Value of the level on a vertical scale of an indicator.
  • title — Human readable title which is visible in the indicator’s Settings panel.
  • line_color — Color of the line.
  • line_style — Style of the line. It is represented as enum value of type line_style.
  • line_width — Width of the line.


# indie:lang_version = 4
from indie import indicator, level, color

@indicator('Level example')
@level(150, line_color=color.RED, line_width=4)
def Main(self):
    return self.close[0]


@band() decorator creates a band (two horizontal lines usually with a semi-transparent fill in between them).

  value1: float,
  value2: float,
  title: indie.Optional[str] = None,
  fill_color: indie.Color = indie.color.GREEN(0.05),
  line_color: indie.Color = indie.color.GRAY(0.5),
  line_style: int = indie.line_style.DASHED,
  line_width: int = 1
) -> NoneType


  • value1 — Value of the first horizontal line of a band on a vertical scale of an indicator.
  • value2 — Value of the second horizontal line of a band on a vertical scale of an indicator.
  • title — Human readable title which is visible in the indicator’s Settings panel.
  • fill_color — Color of the background.
  • line_color — Color of the line.
  • line_style — Style of the line. It is represented as enum value of type line_style.
  • line_width — Width of the line.


# indie:lang_version = 4
from indie import indicator, band, color

@indicator('Band example')
@band(145, 155, line_color=color.RED, line_width=4)
def Main(self):
    return self.close[0]