Managing trading activities in financial markets requires accounting for various time periods, such as pre-market, regular, and after-hours sessions. To efficiently manage these time periods and perform related calculations, we use the indie.schedule.ScheduleRule, indie.schedule.Schedule and indie.TradingSession classes.


The ScheduleRule class defines the specific time window and list of weekdays during which it applies. To create a ScheduleRule you need to specify:

  • start time of the rule
  • end time of the rule
  • list of weekdays: we have constants indie.schedule.WORKDAYS, indie.schedule.WEEKEND and indie.schedule.ALL_DAYS. You can also create a custom list of weekdays as a regular list of enums, e.g. [indie.schedule.WeekDay.SATURDAY, indie.schedule.WeekDay.SUNDAY] (which is exactly the same as indie.schedule.WEEKEND by the way).

Types of ScheduleRule

Depending on the start and end time values, there are three types of ScheduleRules.

Simple basic rule

Simple basic rule is a ScheduleRule object with start < end. If end is a midnight, then end = time(0, 0, 0, 0) This type of rule applies from start time to end time on specified weekdays.


rule1 = ScheduleRule(start=time(hour=0), end=time(hour=5), days=ALL_DAYS) # from 00:00 am to 5:00 am everyday
rule2 = ScheduleRule(start=time(hour=9), end=time(hour=18, minute=30), days=WORKDAYS) # from 9:00 am to 6:30 pm Monday through Friday
rule3 = ScheduleRule(start=time(hour=20), end=time(hour=0), days=[WeekDay.WEDNESDAY]) # from 8:00 pm to 12:00 am on Wednesdays

Simple 24h rule

Simple 24-hours rule is a ScheduleRule object with start == end == time(hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0). This type of rule applies 24 hours on specified weekdays.


rule24 = ScheduleRule(start=time(hour=0), end=time(hour=0), days=ALL_DAYS) # from 12:00 am to 12:00 am every day (24/7)

Overnight rule

Overnight rule is a ScheduleRule object with start > end or start == end != time(hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0). This type of rule applies from start time of the day before specified to end time of specified day.


overnight_rule1 = ScheduleRule(start=time(hour=19), end=time(hour=7), days=[WeekDay.MONDAY]) # from 7:00 pm on Sunday to 7:00 am on Mondays
overnight_rule2 = ScheduleRule(start=time(hour=21), end=time(hour=3), days=WORKDAYS) # for the whole week: from 9:00 pm on Sunday to 3:00 am on Friday
overnight_rule3 = ScheduleRule(start=time(hour=15), end=time(hour=15), days=WORKDAYS) # from 3:00 pm on Sunday to 3:00 pm on Friday

Another way to represent an overnight rule is to use a combination of two different non-overnight rules. The first rule will have the same start time, the end time will be time(0, 0, 0, 0), the second rule will have the start time equal to time(0, 0, 0, 0) and the end time will be the same as the original rule.

overnight_rule = ScheduleRule(start=time(hour=19), end=time(hour=7), days=[WeekDay.MONDAY]) # from 7:00 pm on Sunday to 7:00 am on Mondays
# it is equivalent to
simple_rule1 = ScheduleRule(start=time(hour=19), end=time(hour=0), days=[WeekDay.SUNDAY])
simple_rule2 = ScheduleRule(start=time(hour=0), end=time(hour=7), days=[WeekDay.MONDAY])


Each Schedule instance defines specific time windows and exceptions to a regular schedule. To create your own schedule, you need to define:

  • rules - a list of ScheduleRules
  • except_once - a list of specific dates for one-time exceptions (e.g., special events or emergencies) that deviate from the usual schedule
  • except_yearly - a list of dates representing annual exceptions (e.g., holidays)
  • timezone - the time zone in which the schedule is defined. The time zone should be indicated according to the IANA library standards (e.g., “America/New_York” or “Europe/London”).

It is quite resource-inefficient to create Schedule objects within the Context.calc method, as this would instantiate a new object on each bar, resulting in a high number of short-lived objects. Therefore, it is recommended to declare them in the __init__ function in the class definition, which will create them once during the indicator’s initialization.


# indie:lang_version = 4
from indie import indicator, MainContext
from indie.schedule import ScheduleRule, Schedule, WORKDAYS, WEEKEND
from datetime import time, datetime

class Main(MainContext):
    def __init__(self):
        rule1 = ScheduleRule(start=time(hour=9), end=time(hour=18), days=WORKDAYS)
        rule2 = ScheduleRule(start=time(hour=12), end=time(hour=15), days=WEEKEND)
        self.schedule = Schedule(rules=[rule1, rule2], except_once=[datetime(year=2025, month=4, day=5)], timezone="America/New_York")

    def calc(self):
        # using self.schedule, e.g.
        return 1 if self.time[0] in self.schedule else 0

If you want to use as the timezone in a Schedule(), you need to define a pre_calc function in your class and initialize the field inside this function. This is necessary because in the __init__ method, and self.trading_session data are not yet available.


# indie:lang_version = 4
from indie import indicator, MainContext, Optional
from indie.schedule import ScheduleRule, Schedule, WORKDAYS, WEEKEND
from datetime import time, datetime

class Main(MainContext):
    def __init__(self):
        self.schedule: Optional[Schedule] = None

    def pre_calc(self):
        rule1 = ScheduleRule(start=time(hour=9), end=time(hour=18), days=WORKDAYS)
        rule2 = ScheduleRule(start=time(hour=12), end=time(hour=15), days=WEEKEND)
        self.schedule = Schedule(rules=[rule1, rule2], except_once=[datetime(year=2025, month=4, day=5)],

    def calc(self):
        # using self.schedule, e.g.
        return 1 if self.time[0] in self.schedule.value() else 0

Schedule class provides several key functionalities for working with schedules. One of the primary actions is checking whether the schedule is empty using the is_empty method. Additionally, the in operator allows you to verify if a given timestamp falls within the time periods defined by the schedule. Another useful method is is_same_period, which checks whether two timestamps belong to the same schedule period or fall on different days.


The TradingSession class represents the different phases of market trading. These phases correspond to specific trading windows with unique rules that vary depending on the market. It is not allowed to create objects of the TradingSession class in Indie code; an already created instance of the object is available in self.trading_session.

There are three fields in TradingSession class:

  • pre_market
  • regular
  • after_hours

Each of these fields is an instance of the Schedule class. The pre_market and after_hours schedules can be empty, which can be verified using the is_empty method.

The main operations with TradingSession objects include using the in operator to check if a specific timestamp falls within any of the trading session periods, and the is_same_period method to determine whether two timestamps belong to the same trading period.

The Context class provides four methods to determine whether the current bar is the first or last bar of a trading session:

  • is_first_in_session()
  • is_first_in_regular_session()
  • is_last_in_session()
  • is_last_in_regular_session()

If pre_market is empty, the is_first_in_session and is_first_in_regular_session methods will return the same value. Similarly, if after_hours is empty, is_last_in_session and is_last_in_regular_session will return the same value. If the first or last bar of the session does not exist or is unavailable, these methods will not return True.