Alexander Korn May 5, 2023
S&P500, Nasdaq100, Russell200, DAX, China, Bitcoin & Co
The content of this post is for informational purposes only and does not constitute investment advice. Please be aware that all investments involve risk, and individual consultation is recommended. The author may hold personal positions in the mentioned securities and could benefit from their price movements.
S&P500, Nasdaq100, Russell200, DAX, China, Bitcoin & Co
S&P 500, Nasdaq100, Russell 2000, Bitcoin & Co!
The content of this post is for informational purposes only and does not constitute investment advice. Please be aware that all investments involve risk, and individual consultation is recommended.
S&P 500, Nasdaq100, Russell 2000, Bitcoin & Co!
The impact of the U.S. election on China is often overestimated. The BRIC economies (Brazil, Russia, India, China) are clearly larger and more significant than Europe or Japan. These markets are not saturated and are crucial for companies like Coca Cola. China's recent monetary policy measures, after years of sluggish growth, have reinforced its ambition to reclaim the position it held in the 19th century. Such significant turning points take time to develop and cannot be resolved in just a few weeks.As long as the volume profile of one of the key China equity ETFs remains positive and U.S. investors buy more in positive phases than they sell in negative ones, I consider this market intact. I am gradually building positions in strong Chinese stocks, but they will not exceed 10% of my portfolio. This caution is due to living in Western countries that have aggressively intervened in the capital markets, effectively rendering Russian stocks worthless for private investors. In the battle of global ideologies, this could pose a significant risk to my capital. I view cryptocurrencies similarly in this regard.(Personal opinion - no advice - no recommendation to buy securities - no financial advice)
The first attempt to establish a new all-time high was unsuccessful, but I anticipate a second attempt soon. As long as Bitcoin holds above the 64,000 USD mark, all possibilities remain open. The market sentiment was overly euphoric, but this is currently subsiding. I remain invested but won’t be expanding my investments in crypto stocks for now. My bullish scenario remains intact.(Personal opinion - no advice - no recommendation to buy securities - no financial advice) 
S&P 500, Nasdaq100 and Russell 2000image
S&P 500, Nasdaq100 and Russell 2000
This week was in line with my primary scenario of a correction. Next week is “crunch time” as exciting corporate earnings are due and there will be a little more clarity on who will be U.S. President for the next four years. This points to further volatility and I expect a test of the 30-week moving average, which is also the short-term uptrend. For the S&P 500, this is in the region of 5,500 points. I expect a positive interim reaction here, which could serve as a prelude to a move towards 6,500 points.If the price falls below this level on a weekly closing basis, the secondary scenario will be activated, which envisages a test of the longer-term upward trend around 5,000 points. I do not expect the Nasdaq100 and Russell2000 to take on a strong life of their own this week and expect a similar development to the S&P 500. If the level around 5,500 points is reached, I plan to unwind my partial portfolio hedge.Whether we will know more clearly by the end of next week where the year-end spurt is heading depends on whether there is a clear decision on the outcome of the presidential election.It should also be noted that the U.S. government bond yield has now risen above the dividend yield again. In addition, retail investors in the USA are more optimistic than ever before about the stock market trend over the next 12 months - both are warning signals for the medium-term trend, but not (yet) a reason not to follow the positive trends in individual stocks.(Personal opinion - no advice - no recommendation to buy securities - no financial advice) 
S&P 500, Nasdaq100 and Russell 2000